Call for Blogposts

In the run-up to the HNS UK 2024 conference, we are posting a series of blogposts here on the website, aiming to kick off dialogues and debates that we can continue together in the conference itself.

If you would like to send us a blogpost proposal, get in touch on Blogposts should address a current issue in historical fiction writing, reading, or publishing. They should be under 1,000 words. You should also send us a paragraph bio including your website or other link, an author photo and, if you are a published writer, the cover of your latest book and its purchase link.

One response to “Call for Blogposts”

  1. How about a blog post centred on whether it is OK to write fiction about other cultures or ethnicities, for example a white British man writing about Native American history?
    I am wrestling with this issue in my current work in progress.


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